November 25, 2009

Happy News

I got some very exciting news today in the mail. I've been accepted to Boise State University, and I start in Janurary. In 1995 I graduated with an Associates from Ricks College (now BYU-I). And I haven't been in a classroom as a student since. It's a little nerve-racking. I'm not only a soon-to-be single mother but now I'm going to be a student also. WOW!! That's a lot to have on my plate.
I'm very excited about going back to school. I've wanted to go back for years. And while I thought it would be a few more years before I'd be going back to finish up my education, life changes and I've learned to roll with it.
So that's my new exciting life changing news. Check back with me by the end of Jan. I may not be so very excited by then.