March 14, 2010

Nice to Meet You

I figured it was about time. I thought that I'd introduce myself again. You know for all 2 people that read my sadly lacking blog.

My name is Dorri, I'm a single full-time mom to 2 of the worlds cutest & busiest kids. When I first started blogging or I guess reading blogs I signed on with the name Moddy, which I will continue to use. But I felt like I wanted to get the real me out there too.

As I said I'm a mom to 2 kids, PJ who is 9 and Miss Magoo who is 6. I am also a full-time student. I haven't been in school since June 95. But I'm learning that I can do both. When I have time I like to read, sew, read funny blogs, and take long walks on the beach. (which could be hard as there are no beaches here, but hey a girl can dream)

So I guess that's me. I hope to do a better job keeping up with my blog. Keeping track of my kids accomplishments and mine as well. Along with the everyday craziness of my life.

So it's nice to meet you, though I suspect I already know about the 2 people who read this, let me know about you anyway. Really it's good for the soul! At least it will be for mine!


Erika said...

Hi Dorri, nice to meet you too! I've been wondering how school has been going. You're right, blogs can be good for the soul--a good way to purge, vent, record. My blog is my outlet, but then there are other times when I feel like I'm burned out on blogging. But for the times when I'm down, it lifts me a little to go back and see some of the good things I've done. I'd love to hear more about school, etc. so you just keep blogging away! I'm not much into facebook anymore--got burned out on that and it took up too much of my time, but I'm here listening in the blogosphere!

reggstyl said...

Hi Dorri! Welcome back to blogging :) It'll be nice to see you in a couple of weeks!