Years ago there was a country song, something about sometimes your the windshield and sometimes your the bug. For the last while I've felt like the bug. It feels like I've hit a windshield and now I'm trying to pull myself back together.
There are so many things I can't seem to get a handle on. At times I feel like I'm trying to hold on to nothing. That whatever it was I thought was there isn't.
Today wasn't so bad, but yesterday and the day before that I don't know. I'll be cruising along and at the drop of a hat I want to sit down and cry, really really cry.
Though somedays there isn't any crying or desire to cry, just frumpiness. I just don't want to do anything. I do do things, I have to, there is no one else to do it if I don't. Maybe that's it, there isn't anyone else to do it and that's the part the sucks.