Miss Magoo practicing her curtsy |
In January Miss Magoo turned 8. It was a very exciting day for her. My parents came up for the weekend. And my sister Lorna & her 2 daughters also came, which was a total surprise to Miss Magoo. As part of her turning 8 she choose to be baptized. It was a long awaited day for her. She had been talking about being baptized ever since her brother was baptized 3 yrs ago!!
She decided to have to her dad baptize her. We choose to have it on a different day as the stake baptism as I really wanted my parents to be able to be there, so it was just her.
But what I was the most pleased about was the feeling of peace that I came away with. As I sat with my mom on my right and Miss Magoo on my left, I felt peace. On the other side of Miss Magoo sat her dad, and I thought as it began that I would be emotional, but I wasn't. I had asked my ex's wife to play the piano, and as I sat and watched her play and looked at my daughter and then at my ex I realized that all was as it should be. None of ours lives are right now what I had thought they would be, but for me and my kids we are good. We are happy and are mostly adjusted to our new normal life.
In all it was a wonderful day, which is all any parent hopes for their child's special day to be.