September 24, 2008

Dear Parent...

Dear Parent who thought it was a good idea to let your 2nd grade son get his ear pierced.

What were you thinking, and why did you then letting him put in a little hoop and wear it to school, I'm guessing it's because you thought it looked so cool. You were wrong, and now your poor kid has a huge hole in his ear were the above mentioned hoop was ripped out. Lovely!

-signed parent of a 2nd grade boy who now wants a earring too even after seeing the hoop get ripped out.


miss kitti said...

Oh! My! Gosh! Who does that? Don't parents know their little boys?

Grace doesn't get earring for that very reason. (The ripping and the ouching.)

Erika said...

Ya, that's not very smart. Does this kid have a mullet too? I picture a little "Joe Dirt" kid when reading this. (No offense to anyone who has a child with a mullet--they can be cute...maybe.)