September 23, 2008


Part of the reason I finally decided to do my one thang was getting tagged by Erika. So here goes:

What was I doing 5 years ago?

We were living in Vancouver WA. Um I was pregnant with Miss Magoo, me and the toliet had become very close by now. When I wasn't "visitng" the toliet I was sleeping on our comfy big brown couch. PJ started out telling "mommy" to wake up so he could show me something, then we progressed to him telling me to close my eyes. He figured he could get into more stuff while I was sleeping. Hubby was busy working and finishing his BS.

Pet Peeves
to many things to list but here's a few of them

crusty people
primary teachers who won't get a sub, thinking that the other teachers can just divy up their class
tail gaters (stupid drivers in general)
cleaning the bathroom
when the library doesn't have the book I'm dying to read
(okay that's all I'm going with, the others sounded way to petty)

Things I would do if I were a Billionaire

pay off my house, cc debit, hubby's school loans
take a one of a kind vacation with my whole family, and then with hubby's whole family
get a gardener to make my yard the coolest on the block
hire a personal trainer
never wear the same pair of socks more than once
have a fabulous shoe collection
pay for my parents next mission
take cooking lessons from Paula Dean

Favorite Foods

Pizza (Juliano's in Van. WA, Flying Pie in Boise ID, Pie Pizzaria in SLC UT.)
curly fries from Jitb
mom's cinnamon twists & her bread
mexican food
peanut butter/chocolate ice cream
a good burger

I'm tagging: Jessica & Kitti


Erika said...

Yea, you did it!! I love it!! Can't wait to read more.

Maudie Jane said...

So much I never knew about you, ouch! I'm so glad you have a blog now good times!

miss kitti said...

Moddy, I'm totally on your stink list. I've asked other teachers to take on my classes before. I promise to try not to do it again.

Can we still be friends?

Dorri said...

I have no problem if one teacher asks another teacher to take their class. I do have a problem with teachers that don't show up for primary and don't tell anyone that they aren't going to be there. I totally get the "i'm sick" can't make it to church today, but at least call the PP to give them a heads up. It is so rude to not do at least that. And Miss Kitti you are never rude!