December 18, 2008

More of My Gratitude List

Last month I had started a list of things that I am thankful for. But I got a little sidetracked with life. I had already talked about a few of them: Mr. Man, my sisters, chocolate, socks, primary, etc. Wait that was the list, I guess I didn’t get very far. Anyway there were a few other things that I had planned to write about so here they are. (In no particular order)

My Kids- I won’t tell you how I have the very cutest, smartest, bestest ever kids. (Even though it may be true). And while it is true that they can be little snots when they put their minds to it, and can drive me insane at a moment’s notice, they are mine and I love them. There is nothing sweeter than when one of them gives me a hug for no reason. Miss Magoo can’t let me leave the room without telling me that she loves me. PJ draws me the best pictures of robots and dinosaurs. And those special moments right before bed when they say their prayers, and give loves and kisses, what sweet children they can be. They both have such special spirits.

My Parents- I truly am blessed to have the parents I do. They are such great examples to me and my children. They make me want to be a better person. They have both taught me so much. I will never forget the time we were driving around Tahoe on vacation and my dad started talking about Christ. I can still hear his voice as he talked about Christ’s crucifixion, and what it must have been like for him as he went through that ordeal. That is one of my first memories of really hearing and understanding my father’s testimony of Christ and the gospel. My parents are going back to Russia to serve their 4th mission (this is their 2nd time in Russia). What a great example they are to my children. PJ and Miss Magoo know where grandma and grandpa are and what they are doing there.

Books- I really love to read. There is no better way to escape a rough day than to sit down in a comfy spot with a snuggly blanket and a good book.

Modern Conveniences- What can I say they make my life so much easier. I love my cell phone, microwave, dvr& vcr& dvd players, my garage door opener (thanks honey), ice maker, blow dryer, computer, internet, etc. I could go on and on life is so much easier because of all these inventions. I love that these things are there for me to use or not use, it’s up to me. But when I want them they can make life sweet.

Scriptures- They bring the word of God into our home, they help me teach my children the gospel, and they bring me peace, and give me strength. They show me God’s love for me and they give me hope.

My In-laws I have the best mother-in-law that any wife could ask for. She gives advice when asked, tries very hard not to judge, and loves my children almost as much as I do. And the best part she told Mr. Man when we got married that it was his job to always take my side even if I was wrong (which of course I never am). Mr. Man’s siblings love my kids, spoil them and are always excited to see them (no really they are).

I’m sure that I could keep going but these were the top few things on my list. Making this list has really helped me to be more appreciative of the things I have, and to try and be happy with what I have. The Lord really has blessed me and my family and for that I am grateful.

1 comment:

miss kitti said...

Such a good list of 'thankful fors'. I need to get to work on my own. There's nothing like being thankful to get you in the mood for the holidays.