January 13, 2009

My New Favorite Author

I have a new favorite author, Mary Pope Osborne, the author of “The Magic Tree House” series. I’ll admit to never having read an entire book of hers, just a couple of pages here and there. No, my son is the one that reads her books, he’s hooked. His 2nd grade teacher recommended Mrs. Pope Osborne’s books to me at our parent-teacher conference last Sept. She said they were just perfect for his age. And was she right. PJ devours her books, sometimes in one sitting. We recently found the books on cd, and he was in heaven. He pulled out the first book and proceeded to read along with the cd. He loves to tell me all about the latest book that he’s just finished reading, and I love to hear him get so excited about reading. Thank you Mary Pope Osborne for getting my son to love reading, you are my hero!


Jessica said...

That is WONDERFUL...we love authors that get kids to read!! Especially a kid who is always on the go, I am sure you appreciate him sitting down quietly to read a book.

Erika said...

My kids have loved these books too. Another great author that has gotten my 9 year old son interested in reading is Jeff Kinney who wrote the "Diary of a Whimpy Kid" books. They are awesome!! So funny for boys, and even my 11 year old daughter likes them too!