April 10, 2009

Fasting From Fast Food

oh say that title 5 times fast..
On Wednesday after one to many trips to Little Ceasers for their $5 pizza ( who can resist such a cheap quick dinner, not me) I decided that I'd had enough. I feed my kids way too much fast food. You try resisting Mcd's half price tuesday's where I can get 2 happy meals for the price of one. Okay to be honest it's maybe once a week, but I still think that's too much. Maybe it's was the few weeks leading up to Wednesday that was the breaking point. During our trip to Utah we ate so much more fast food than normal, and it was making all of us sick. And I was getting tired of each day as it gets close to dinner they start off asking for happy meals or pizza.
The kids and I agreed to cut out eating out (and take-out) for the next month. PJ also reminded me that means no quick trips to Sonic's during happy hour for my not quite daily fresh fruit slushee (that kid thinks too much). We'll see how the next month goes. Miss Kitti suggested keeping some freezer meals ready for those days that I would normally be tempted to head to the drive-thru. And also per Miss Kitti's suggestion we'll be pushing the H2O alittle harder around our house too.
I'll get back to you in a month to see how it goes, hopfully we'll be a few pounds lighter and a few bucks richer.


Erika said...

I love Little Caesars. The frozen foods is such a good idea. I find myself lately with not much time to cook so I do like frozen burritos (there are some good ones), fried egg sandwiches or grilled cheese with canned fruit or carrots with ranch (real gourmet around here!). I haven't been much into cooking with Ryan never home for dinner, but I think it's important we teach our kids to cook and to make do with what we have, not just go out and buy buy buy! Good for you.

Jessica said...

Good luck with that. We do the frozen foods too, whenever I make enchiladas, lasagna or anything else that freezes well I double the batch and freeze one.

miss kitti said...

Good luck. I know you can do it.

Maudie Jane said...

It's a harsh world out there. We have been doing the take out thing for a while now and it is getting old. Last week we actually ate at the house four nights in a row. This week we are off to a good start and have Monday and Tuesday down. Since I'm not getting as much done these days I just focus on making dinner, that is all I have to do everyday is make dinner. It's been working out.

Marsha said...

Watch SUPERSIZE me...wow that cured me of McDonalds for several years! I need to fast from fast food too.