February 15, 2011

More Updates

So while I realize that it's Tuesday and I should've posted yesterday, but I didn't and I'm pretty sure that I'll live.  So here we go.
As of yesterday I'm down 2 lbs for the week.  I was hoping for 3 but I'll be happy with 2.  This last 9 lbs has been the slowest to come off.  On Christmas Eve I was down 29 lbs, and as of yesterday I'm down 39lbs.  So it has taken me a little over 7 wks to lose those 10 lbs.  That's a long time considering most months I was averaging 9 lbs a month.  So yes I'm a little frustrated, but I knew that once school started and my schedule changed things might slow down.  And added to that I only did my water aerobics class once each for the last 2 weeks.  I have found that I am really missing that class, it has been a great stress reliever for me.  I just hoping that I can fit it in once this week too and then maybe next week I can get back on track.  My weight-lifting class on the other hand is going good, I am loving doing the weights again.  It is such a great feeling to push and pull heavy weights and see what my body is capable of.
On the kiddo's front it has been up and down.  The kids are both busy with school and homework.  Near the end of last week Miss Magoo was complaining of a sore throat and was doing a LOT of coughing especially at night.  And while at first her coughing wasn't keeping her up, just lucky me.  By Thursday night it was waking her up too.  So Friday after a busy running around day I got her into the Dr's.  Good thing too, she tested positive for Strep.  Poor kid.  By Saturday she was back to her happy bouncy self.  We even went to the BSU men's bball game.  The main reason for going was the BSU was honoring all the students that achieved a gpa of 3.50 or higher. Before the game they had a reception where there was pizza and they handed out certificates for those who made the list. Then during the half-time portion of the men's game all of us who made the list got to walk out on the court and wave to those in the crowd.  It was a little geeky feeling on one hand, but also cool feeling too.  I mean I worked HARD for my grades, and I'm proud of that.  The kids got a kick out of seeing their momma on the court waving up at them. I want my kids to know that college is important and that I'm doing all this hard work for them too.  And in the long run (hopefully not too long) all this hard work it going to pay off for all of us.


Erika said...

You are setting such a wonderful example for your kids. I think that is awesome. So one of these days you need to share with us what you are eating to help you lose weight. If you want. I'd love to know as I am struggling to lose some pounds. I love your new profile picture by the way. You look dazzling! Dazzling Dorri, that's who you are!! Ü

Marsha said...

YOU ROCK!!! Congratulations on the great grades and the weight loss! Both are HUGE accomplishments that you should be very proud of! This is going to be an amazing year for you! Keep up hte great work!