October 21, 2008

Facebook, I Curse You

Facebook has sucked me in. And it's all Erika's fault, if only she had really admitted to how evil it was. After reading about facebook on her blog I thought, "why not, sounds like fun". But no, I've been sucked in. Now I'm obsessed with it. I can't wait to check in every morning when I log online. Who has sent me a message, or invited me to be their friend? Why hasn't anyone invited me to be their friend, or sent me a message today? Am I not good enough anymore? Why hasn't that person accepted me as a friend, didn't what we went through in high school together mean anything? Okay so we haven't talked in like 14 yrs, but hey we were tight at one point, so why the snubb now??? It's killing me. Now not only can I be rejected in real life, someone can reject me through my computer. Facebook anonymous anyone??

**just to be clear I do have friends on facebook, ok not a crazy amount of them and most are my nieces and newphews, but I do have friends, just to be clear**


Erika said...

I'm sorry! I'm totally addicted too. It's really interesting to find out what people are up to--like did you have fun at the pumpkin patch? Sometimes it bugs me though. Sometimes I don't want to know what certain people are up to, like those friends of mine (there's 2 of them) who are now lesbians. I really don't want to know that you missed your woman while she was gone and that you love her so much and that you hope you can get married after Nov. 4th! Yuck! I really don't want to think about it!!!!!!!! So sometimes I avoid Facebook if I'm in that kind of mood. Sometimes it's depressing to think about what some people are doing back in Cali. It seems like in most pictures they're holding an alcoholic beverage or talking in ways that I don't agree with, and it kind of bums me out. But then there are other wonderful friends like you who brighten my day and I love to hear about what you're doing and see cute pictures of your kids. Sorry to ramble. I have mixed feelings about Facebook now, but I'm still totally addicted!

Dorri said...

I know what you mean about seeing way too much of somebody. I get the same thing with my nieces/nephews and all their goofy friends. There is a edit button that shows up next to the comments and if you hit that you can choose to see "less" of the person.
Hows your little guy doing, is he felling better?

Erika said...

I'm going to try that edit button!! Yes, Christian is better today, thanks for asking. He was able to go to school, and I was able to reschedule my doctor's appt. for this morning, and everybody's happy! Ü

Maudie Jane said...

Don't stress Dorri, I usually check twice a day to see what people are up to. We all have issues, you know I do.