November 11, 2008


What can I say, I think that I only know one person who's not fond of chocolate. Though I do believe that every now and then even she'll eat the stuff. Chocolate, or the thought of chocolate has gotten me through some very hairy stuff. When my kids are falling apart, fighting with each other or with me, when Mr. Man is really late getting home from work Chocolate is what gets me through it. Sometimes I don't even have to eat it, just knowing that I can eat it and it'll comfort me is enough to get me through those few minutes ( maybe even a hour or 2). So today I'm grateful for chocolate.


Erika said...

Oh ya, now you're talkin!! I am the exact same way. Chocolate is like a drug for me, and when I am losing it, it's just the fix I need to make it all better! Lately my thing has been chocolate and peanut butter. I get a butter knife and dip it in JIF peanut butter, then line up chocolate chips on top of the peanut butter, eat, and repeat. I prefer milk chocolate, but when I need a fix, any kind will do!

Jessica said...

Would it be me, the one person who says she doesn't like chocolate? If so yes I occassionally have it but I prefer to drink it, especially the new 1/2 white chocolate 1/2 dark chocolate peppermint twist hot chocolate from starbucks, now that is yummy!

Maudie Jane said...

Yep, chocolate does it for me too.

Erika said...

Starbucks has hot chocolate? Do they have anything else without coffee in it?

miss kitti said...

Who doesn't like chocolate? Inquiring minds want to know.

Dorri said...

I believe Danna isn't so fond of the stuff, remember her looking for the cookies with the least amount of chips in them. I think that she occasionally partakes but I think that there has to be other things involved (ie nuts, peanut butter) but I may be remembering wrong.