January 1, 2011

New Year, new goals, sorta

So it's a New Year. I general do not make resolutions. In years past when I have, I've failed miserably. But last year I had a break through! I actually made and kept two goals for myself ALL YEAR LONG! This was a huge accomplishment for me. The two goals I set were to not eat fast food, and no drinking soda pop. At first I just wanted to see if I could go a month or two with out those things. But as I got farther into the year, the longer I wanted to make it. It wasn't originally meant to last the whole year, but I did it anyway. It feels so good to know that I did it!! Yay me!

Anyway so for this year I'm going to make some rather generic goals, ones I'm sure millions of others have made. And you know what I'm good with that.

My goals are:

Eat healthy/Lose weight/Exercise 3-5 days a week (see I'm giving myself a little room there) Those all kind of go together, so they are technically one goal.

Be a better mom.

Make the deans list each semester.

BE HAPPY!! (that one's in all caps, because I really mean it this time)

Start looking ahead, instead of looking back


Marsha said...

Sounds GREAT!!! A year w/o soda and fast food??? AWESOME!

Erika said...

Congratulations on making 2 of your goals! That is wonderful. Soda I can live without, but the fast food would be a tough one! I like your goals, especially the 3-5 days of exercise. I put 5 days on my list I made, but lets face it, I rarely do 5 days! And I like the last one. I wish you the best this year. Here's to a bright and happy 2011!!!

Dorri said...

Thanks Marsha & Erika. The soda wasn't as hard as I thought it would be (for the most part). Going without fast food on the other hand was really hard. I didn't realize how much I relied on it to feed me and my kids. But I also gave myself exceptions. I decided that subway didn't count, though I found that I didn't even eat there much just a couple of times on campus and it didn't even sound good after awhile. I also decided that Cafe Rio didn't count because I was getting a salad. Yes I know that a lot of people would count that as fast food, but I felt like it was fresh food, nothing really fried, the worst thing was probably the tortilla it was served on.
As for the exercising, for the last few months I've been doing 4 to 6 days a week so I've gotten into the habit of it. Though my schedule will has changed and will change again when the new semester starts.